On saturday night Woodland’s International Sales, the sporthorse auction organized Belgian Champions and Nations Cup riders Niels Bruynseels and Nick Vrins presented its highly anticipated 3rd collection.! The rumor of the days and weeks before got confirmed as the sale broke all records. The 5-year- old mare Dédicasse by Ugano Sitte, made the top price of €130.000 and 2 other prospect made it over the marker of €100.000. ! Buyers from all over the world purchased new talents. Horse were sold to the USA, Peru, Brasil, the Netherlands, Germany and of course Belgium.! „It is a real strength of the auction that these horses have been with use for months and clearly our clients also trust us in our experience with these horses. Our first 2 collections have already produced a few strong references and the image of Woodland’s grows with each collection and each reference. We’re absolutely convinced that the horses of this collection will quickly make our wall of fame” says Niels Bruynseels, co-organiser of Woodland’s International Sales.! „We’d like to thank all our buyers and we invite everybody to next year’s auction the will be held on the 26th of September 2015” dixit Nick Vrins.