The revision addresses the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, which led to rescheduling of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. The qualification system consists of rules, procedures and criteria for participation to the Olympic Games, in line with the Olympic charter, and are approved by the IOC Executive Board.
First, the qualification period is extended. The deadline now is 29 June 2021. But international federations can define their own deadlines before this date. And the final sport entries deadline is 5 July 2021.
Second, the athletes and National Olympic Committees (NOCs) who already earned an Olympic qualification quota place will retain it. In all, 57% of the total athlete quota places have already been allocated.
And there are about 5,000 athlete quota places still to be assigned.The task force said “the priority remains to reflect, where possible, the allocation method/pathway of the original qualification systems for each sport.”