Twenty-seven pairs took on the challenge of Manuel Esparza’s (MEX) course and of the seven clear rounds, Ramsay boasted a 3.536 second lead. “I felt like the inside turns were not a given. I took an inside turn from one to two and I thought it was bold for the first two jumps,” revealed Ramsay on her strategy in the speed course. Heading to jumping efforts 7a and 7b, “I also did an inside turn to the double that I thought was pretty bold. The course was serious enough for the first day out, but it was nice.”
Ramsay went seventh in the order of go, so she had to keep her early lead through twenty additional rides. “I am very competitive and I have a ‘Ricky Bobby, if you ain’t first, you’re last,’ type of mentality,” Ramsay noted. “When you go early and have so many to come after you, it’s obviously a little stressful. I felt like I did everything I could do and was pretty confident coming out [of the arena]. She’s very fast.”
Source and picture: press release