Can you imagine the Masters of Chantilly not taking place? What would it take for that to happen? 

C.A: No, not unless the sky falls in (laughs). 

What would be the possible formulas depending on the evolution of the pandemic and with reference to the summer 2020 situation? 

C.A: We are working on three scenarios, three different formulas which will comply with the three levels of sanitary rules that we imagine should be in force at the time: 

The first scenario is closed-door: no audience and a limited number of attendees. 

Our second model calls for a site layout with specific facilities for the audience, catering, and hospitality. 

However, the scheme we hope to implement first - and we are confident we can do it - is that of a great return to the Masters in its entirety at the beginning of July in an (almost) normal way. 

So, a Masters without an audience is possible? 

C.A: It is, if the situation forces us to; however, we will do everything to retain the soul and spirit of our concept by using digital technology to the benefit of the greatest number! 

In your speeches, you seem to have a relentless passion for this place: how and why did it come to you? 

C.A: There is no place more iconic, more legitimate, and more beautiful than Chantilly for this great return to the Masters in the new world! 

Source: Press Release