In De Peelbergen the main number of the day was jumped just now. It was a 1m40 class of the CSI2* competition in which was jumped directly against the clock.
The win went to Ireland: Conor Drain was the fastest in the saddle of Dialetto PS (by Diarado). He rode his gelding clear in 65.59 seconds. Victoria Gulliksen came second. She counted on Ibiza (by Cardento 933) to jump a clear round in 66,94 seconds. Maikel van der Vleuten and Kamara van't Heike (by Epleaser van't Heike) completed the top three after a clear round in 67.00 seconds.
Petronella Andersson finished in fourth (Castres vd Begijnakker Z) and fifth (Clatponn Mouche) place.