The day in Zangersheide is fully packed with the World Championships finals for young horses. The first final was for 5-year old horses and has just ended. 46 combinations entered the show ground for this class with jump-off. 11 combinations managed to jump a clear first round and came back for the all-deciding jump-off.
In that jump-off it were the Irish riders who ruled the show. They did not only take the gold but the silver medal as well. The victory went to Jason Foley. Woth the Kannan mare Rockwell RC under the saddle, he jumped a super fast round in 37,72 seconds. With this time he beat another Irish rider, Michael Pender, who stood on the lead for a very long time. Pender and the Oldenburg stallion Chacco Bay (f. Chaccato) therefore had to take peace with the second place with their time of 38,15 seconds.
The third place went to the British rider Emma Stoker. She and her Zangersheide mare Skylandria Z (f. Super Trooper de Ness) cleared the jump-off in 38,74 seconds. Willem Greve and Opium JW van de Moerhoeve TN (f. Kannan) ended on fourth place. This BWP stallion didn't touch the wood and finished in 41,77 seconds. Emma Stoker did not only end en third place, she took home the fifth place as well. This time she saddles Orphea HQ (f. Emerald van't Ruytershof), a BWP mare.
De derde plaats ging naar de Britse amazone Emma Stoker. Zij en haar Zangersheide merrie Skylandria Z (v. Super Trooper de Ness) sprongen een foutloze barrage in 38,74 seconden. Willem Greve en Opium JW van de Moerhoeve TN (v. Kannan) eindigde op de vierde plaats. Ook deze BWP hengst kwam niet in de buurt van het hout en finishte in 41,77 seconden. Emma Stoker eindigde niet enkel op de derde plaats maar ook op de vijfde. Hiervoor kon ze rekenen op Orphea HQ (v. Emerald van't Ruytershof), een BWP merrie.