In round two, only Stormanns, Ruggeri and De Schrijver produced another clear, making it an exciting jump-off of three to decide the last medals of the FEI Jumping European Championship for Young Riders, Juniors and Children 2022 in Oliva Nova. 
First out in the jump-off, Germany’s Tony Stormanns and the lovely Dia Nova stopped the clock on 32.05. When Anna Ruggeri on Dakotah 2 crossed the finish line in 32.89 and Brent de Schrijver had one fence down in 32.85, the last champion in Oliva Nova could be crowned: Stormanns took gold, Ruggeri silver and De Schrijver bronze. 

“It was already a great feeling having a gold medal with the team,” 14-year-old Stormanns said after his victory. “But it is a very nice feeling to have a second one around my neck. I came here to win the one for the team, this is what my mother [Helena Stormanns] always taught me: Always for the team. Now that I have two medals, I am very happy, and mostly, I am very proud of my horse.” 
Event Director Bettina Pöhls was delighted on behalf of all the medallists and said: “We have had a week of fantastic sport, and the Belgians have really impressed taking team gold for the Juniors and Young Riders, individual silver and bronze for Juniors, individual gold and silver for the Young Riders, and finally the individual bronze for Children. A huge congratulations to all the medallists this week, and to their support teams. It’s been great to have all these rising stars competing here in Oliva Nova, and we look forward to seeing them back in the rings here in the future for more success.”