Ingmar De Vos started his career with the FEI as Secretary-General. "It was a lot of work and huge challenge. The surprise was even bigger when in 2014 I was asked to take over the presidency of HRH Princes Haya." In a conversation De Vos reveals his motives. "Our sport is an industry with a lot of jobs, we cannot forget this!"
"My priority has always been to keep our sport as an Olympic discipline. We cannot forget our sport is more than just a sport, it is an industry. The importance for any industry to profile itself as being Olympic is enormous." says De Vos.
"If you loose your status as Olympic Sport this might go hand in hand with the loss of jobs, the loss of revenue, ... in general it might have severe consequences for our sport and industry." The FEI president continues. "I do remember the Games of 2012 in Londen. The moment of our wakeup call when we got degraded by the IOC, the moment where we boosted our communications."
The Olympic Format
"There has been some discussions about the new 'format'. However it is a consequence of the popularity of our sport. Thanks to this new 'format' we have confirmed that Equestrians will be a part of the Games in Paris and Los Angeles. We need to comply to the demands of the IOC. This means keeping up our social media and communications and next step, reduce our carbon footprint in an aim to become more sustainable."
source: Equnews