"I think the Olympics can certainly continue in a safe way. The effects of this kind of sporting event in a bubble remains limited as far as I'm concerned. I think the Games are also good for the morale of both athletes and 'ordinary' people. Everyone needs some distraction and I think all the athletes have consciously worked towards the Games. So it would be a great pity to see them go down the drain for the second year in a row". 

Not knowing exactly how or what is going to happen certainly affects athletes. You manage the athlete, the horse. I myself am very involved with three other Olympic candidates [Adrienne Sternlicht, Lucy Deslauriers and Lillie Keenan], so trying to manage their horses and their careers, it's been a challenge. I'm not going to say it hasn't been. But our philosophy has always been - and it was the same with the [FEI] World Cup Finals - we're going to prepare and train and compete as if it goes. If it doesn't go, we'll make adjustments at that point to try to be a little bit flexible.

Source: Chrono of the Horse