After yesterday's Sunshine Tour was also stopped early because of a second horse with neurological symptoms, it seems that there won't be too much jumping on the European continent for the time being. In Doha, where the Global Champions Tour takes place this weekend, two horses tested positive at the beginning of the week. We checked with a source what the situation in Doha is currently like.
"Apart from the two horses that tested positive at the beginning of the week, there have been no other positive tests," it sounds like. "Those horses are in a clinic next to the competition grounds and are on the mend in the meantime. The horses were tested on Monday, before they went on the plane to Doha. Their blood was examined and a nasal swab was performed, which is standard procedure, by the way. Then they had to stay in quarantine in their own stables. Then they traveled to Doha via several airports. Actually, we are a bit in 'quarantine' here anyway since the competition horses do not come into contact with horses from outside."
Picture: Stefano Grasso