Bourns Sport Horses is based in The Netherlands and produces Young Horses up to the highest level. “We travel to find the perfect horses we believe can make it on the highest level. We’re looking for horses with a natural balance, that are eager to learn. But the most important thing is the mentality of the horses. We are looking for horses that want to train and that are willing to fight for their rider once they’re in the ring”, Bourns states.

“We’re perfectly located to do so. Our three talented riders are working very hard at home but we’re close to many of the biggest equestrian centres in Europe such as De Peelbergen, Azelhof, Aachen,… This means our horses really get the chance to develop themselves on an international level since international shows are offered to us almost every week”, he continues.

The stable in Europe produced some top horses already such as Hennessy, Galina and Hazard. Bourns Sport Horses is not only active on the European continent, they have a stable in Wellington Florida (USA) to that is managed by Andrew Bourns. The horses of the American stable compete in Wellington and all over the United States. Recent top horses this stable produced are A Toi de Prim, Menko van de Wellington, Sea Top Blue and Darquito.

Get to know this amazing stable in the video produced by Sophie Schoonwater!