Did you know you were going to win when you entered the show ground? 

I really wanted to win this one because so I watched Gudrun (Patteet) and Max (Sebrechts) ride. In the beginning I was really focused on Gudrun because I know she is a very fast rider who can make the difference. Then I saw Max going even faster and I know I could do it. My horses naturally is very quick even in the turns. Therefore I knew I didn't had to focus on the distances that much. I just trusted my horse and it all worked out in the end. 

Hi, what do you think of the show in general? 

I really like it here. We got some really nice courses to jump. I came here to prepare myself for the Olympian qualifier that will take place in Morocco. I'm very happy to be here. It's a really nice show. What I like most about it, is that you have different levels, you have a CSI1*, a CSI2* and of course the 5 star. This year I choose the CSI2* because I think this was a better preparation for the Olympian Qualifier. I hope to start on the five star level here next year".

You won the Grand Prix here today. What are the next shows you will be competing at? 

Next week I will be competing in Barcelona but I won't take Zorro. After that, I will go to Morocco.