Last week the Swedish rider Annika Axelsson published a letter on her website in which she told what exactly has been going on at the Sunshine Tour in the past weeks. The Sunshine Tour itself now responds to the allegations of the Swedish rider. The director of the Sunshine Tour backs up her allegations with evidence (click here for the full letter with documents in evidence).
I am writing these lines after reading the letter from Ms. Annika Axelsson (Annex 1), which has caused me deep sadness. Anyone who has been to Montenmedio knows perfectly well that both I personally, and my entire team are dedicated to ensure that all of our clients, many of whom are friends, including riders, grooms and owners, all feel at home. With this in mind, I reply to the above letter out of a sense of responsibility and because I believe that it is my obligation as director of the Sunshine Tour to do so, since Ms. Axelsson’s claims are false from the start and allude to unconfirmed data that leads people to question our work here. First of all, it is important to state that Ms. Axelsson actually left the facilities here at Montenmedio before most of the events that she recounts in detail in her statement, actually took place. In fact for this reason I will not include my personal opinions of what happened, but rather provide the facts that disprove the information she provided in her letter....
Click here for the full statement