A new leg of the Masters Grand Slam, the CSI5* in Los Angeles, is on going at the moment. The best showjumpers in the world gather to compete. One of them is last years Calgary GP winner, Pieter Devos. We asked him how his first experience is with this USA event. "We first stopped in London before we took of to Los Angeles. It's rather enjoyable to arrive in a 25 degrees celsius city after such a long flight. A big difference with Calgary two weeks ago ... (smiles). After a quick change I couldn't wait to join my team in the stables of this event. I must say, I was impressed. Christophe Ameeuw, Andy Gilissen and their team did a great job!" states Devos. "I will first ride Dream of India Greenfield. He was a bit out at the WEG, that is why I immediately went out to check him. My second horse Dorenta was well treated too. Around 7pm I went to sleep a bit. Unfortunately not the best idea ever. I fell asleep and woke up at midnight." "The first day at this LA Masters was incredible. I jumped Dream of India Greenfield in the test course. I concluded the day with the lovely and incredible GALA event. the next day is competition day... time to get serious so early bed time."