Andres Rodriguez, the Venezulan show jumper, who passed away in a fatal car crash on 4th January, was well over the legal limit for alcohol when he died. The Palm Beach Medical Examiner has released his report which states that Rodriguez had a blood alcohol count (BAC) double the legal limit. The sample was probably taken a while after the crash, the show jumper was first transported to the hospital where he passed away later. Passenger Sophie Wells was killed instantly. "The BAC of .126 likely reflected his intoxication level at the time of the crash if the blood was taken immediately when he was taken to the emergency room," said Michael Bell, the District Medical Examiner who inspected the body. The legal limit to drive in Florida is .08. which is higher than in many European countries including Scotland where it is only 0.5. At a BAC of more than .1, people typically have a “reduced ability to maintain lane position and brake appropriately” when on the road, according to information by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Other typical behavior includes “clear deterioration of reaction time and control” and “slurred speech, poor coordination and slowed thinking. For a 160-pound man, what Rodriguez weighed at the time of his death, it would normally take about six drinks during the span of one hour to hit .126, according to the CDC. Rodriguez was on record as having other simialr driving offences in the past.