It has been a busy week here at the Flintridge Autumn Classic! From the USHJA National Hunter Derby and the Grand Prix of Flintridge to all the special exhibitor parties and fundraisers, there have been fun activities each day!  On Sunday night the audience saw a great class of riders compete in the Grand Prix of Flintridge with a delicious dinner to support CPHA! Course designer John Manning knows the ring well and built a course to test the riders and their horses for the evening performance.

The course contained 15 efforts, including three combinations. The triple combination was on the far side of the arena, which lead you to a vertical – vertical combination on the diagonal to a bending line, then a line to a double combination on the rail by the crowd. Round one produced three clear rounds to head into the jump off.
The jump off course was made up of 8 efforts, including the oxer – vertical combination on the rail and finished over a stout oxer on the diagonal heading back to the in gate. Tiffany Sullivan and The Gladiator lead the way in the jump off and ended with just one rail down. Mark Watring rode his own Balyon on a quicker tracker than Sullivan, but also with a rail. Sullivan then came in to finish the class on Christian Grey in a clear round and fast time to take the class