The CSI5* GP at Valkenswaard, not only counting for the Longines Ranking but also for the Longines Global Champions Tour Ranking was won by Ben Maher after an exciting jump-off.
1. Ben Maher - Explosion W
2. Maikel van der Vleuten - Beauville Z
3. Frank Schuttert - Lyonel D
4. Harrie Smolders - Dolinn N.O.P.
5. Eric Lamaze - Fine Lady
The jump-off was the desciding factor for the five first places in this class. Ben Maher was the fastest. With Explosion W (Chacco-Blue) he beat everyone with a time of exactly 44 seconds.
Maikel van de Vleuten follows with Beauville Z (Bustique) in second place, jumping without penalties in 46.02 over the finishline. Frank Schuttert and Lyonel D (Little Joe) follow in 46.24 - a top three without penalties.
In fourth place, we find Harrie Smolders with Dolinn N.O.P. (Cardento). They sped around the cours in 45.67 but collected four points.
Eric Lamaze in the saddle of Fine Lady were the fifth combination, but he collected eight points with the the Forsyth FRH-mare, so fifth place.
In sixth places comes Jérôme Guery and Grupo Prom Diego (Verdi TN). Compatriot Olivier Philippaerts and H&M Legend of Love (Landzauber) follow in seventh place.
On eight we find Edwina Tops-Alexander and Indentity Vitseroel (Air Jordan), on place nine Peder Fredricson with H&M All In (Kashmir van Schuttershof). Simon Delestre closes the top ten with Berlux Z (Berlin).