Until this morning, all lights were set on green. After a meeting today with the board of the OC and the Valkenswaard municipality, the mayor decided to withdraw the existing permit for the event. The organisation had permission and all necessary permits to organise the World Championship. All requirements were met and everything was arranged to organise a safe competition without spectators within the existing regulations.

The organisation of Driving Valkenswaard International (DVI) is very disappointed. DVI wanted to show that it is possible to practice our beloved sport in competition format, despite all corona restrictions. The organisation has put in a huge amount of work out of love for the driving sport. Everything was set for a safe World Championship that met all requirements and all permits were arranged. The decision of the municipality came very unexpectedly.

The incorrect publications in the media concerning the permit has not helped us. The negative comments from several Dutch competitors in particular regarding our organisation have damaged our position. That is disappointing and is not in favor of the four-in-hand sport.