It was quite a difficult course in Poznan, only five combinations out of fifty qualified for the jump-off. 

Janinka Sprunger and her King Edward (by Edward 28) won the jump-off in 39.28. Polish rider Wojciech Wojcianiec kept the silver medal home, by finishing second in 39.47 with Chintablue, a ten year old Chintan-son. Emanuele Camilli and Jakko (by Vagabond de la Pomme) are the third and last combination to jump a clear round in the jump-off, taking home the bronze. 

Swiss Elain Baumann and Campari Z (by Contact van de Heffink) jumped a very fast round, putting a time of 36.56 on the clock. But, with four faults against them, they finished as fourt. 

Janine Rijkens and C Vier 2 (by Cardento 933) also had four faults against them. Finishing in 39.54, it gives them fifth place.  
