Valentine Car, a 2009 Warmblood gelding (Son of Juan Car x Galiani CH) owned by Fernando Cardenas, is a new mount for Wordley, and has proven himself successful at TIEC this week. “It’s a fairly new horse for me, his name is Valentine Car; I’ve been riding him just this year and he’s a very good horse. I like him very much,” said Wordley.

Wordley was very complimentary of the tricky course Alan Wade (IRL) built. “Alan Wade [is] probably the best course builder in the world in my opinion, I thought he built a fantastic course. It was tough enough and the time was snug, so it forced a few people to rush a little bit. It wasn’t too difficult, but it wasn’t easy to jump clear either, so he had faults all over; he knows just how to do that.”

Going into the jump off, Wordley knew that his best tactic to win was to ride conservatively after watching his competition go, “The fastest one in the jumpoff was going to be Molly Ashe, and she was very quick, but she did seven steps, which was very tight, and had a rail down. Once she’d gone, I knew to be sort of a little bit conservative in the jump off because my horse is very fast, so I did that and it worked out perfectly.”

“I love Tryon; it’s always been a great show to me over the years. We stay with some friends down the road, so it’s always fun. The footing has been managed very well, which I’m very happy about.”

For full results from the $37,000 Horseware Ireland Welcome Stake CSI 3*, click here.

Source: Tryon International Equestrian Center