With all eyes turning towards the EEM Riders Masters Cup this evening in Paris, the curtain came down fast for TEAM USA in the second round. With their first two combinations being eliminated, it was quickly decided. Both Marlon Modolo Zanotelli and his new ride Sweet Tricia (Berlin), as Kara Chad and Viva ( Now or Never M) had a couple of refusals resulting in elimination. It was then up to the Europeans to just finish their rounds.
After the first round it was Team USA who was in the lead with 40 points. Team Europe was in 35 points.
This however changed quickly in the second round and it was Martin Fuchs who deliverd the final blow with a breathtaking round aboard Chica B Z (Canturano) in 58.31 seconds. With that time he ensured himself the fastest round of the competition. His team mate Jos Verlooy followed in second place with Varoune (Verdi) in 61.83 seconds, strengthening their position once more. In the end it was Team Europe who claimed the victory with 125 points, finished with a difference of 45 points over Team USA that finished with 80 points.
Laura Kraut and Deauville S (Diamant de Semilly) ensured the best American ride with a time of 63.53 seconds. While Rodrigo Pessoa and Venice Beach finished in a fourth place with 67.05 seconds. Henrik von Eckermann and Fancy Me completed with 68.29 seconds.
Kevin Staut aboard Visconti du Telman (Toulon) and Darragh Kenny and his Dabelle (Nabab de Reve) finished in sixth and seventh place.