Over 13,000 people placed their votes for their favourite entry in the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials Final Fence Design competition in the public voting round which came to an end yesterday (28 February). The winning design with a strong 28.9 percent of the votes was ‘The Mitsubishi Final Mount’ designed by Victoria Hanson received 3,815 votes. Victoria’s saddle based design (pictured above) was one of the front runners among the public votes throughout the competition and came back to the top the leader-board on the last day of the voting. The entry was one of ten shortlisted submissions selected by the competition’s judges who were: Event Director Hugh Thomas, Media Director Julian Seaman, and Badminton’s new Cross Country Course Designer, Eric Winter who joins the team for the first time in 2017. Victoria, who is 25 years old, is based in Guilford (Surrey) and is a former Southampton University Fashion student who now works on the design team for swimwear brand ‘Melissa Odabash’. Victoria who events her horse in her spare time is currently recovering from tonsillitis and was delighted to hear of her win.
"There has been an overwhelming response to this competition"
Eric who is currently putting together final plans for a new look cross country course for this year’s Badminton commented on the winning design: “There has been an overwhelming response to this competition, it’s been great watching the points accumulate for the ten designs that we shortlisted from a high calibre list. The fence will be an iconic end to the course and add something extra special to the finish in the main arena.“The challenge now will be finding a piece of timber big enough to carve the saddle out of!”