how did you experience the championships?

Rotterdam is always a beautiful show to attend,but during the championship it was very special ! Everything from the footing in longing circles to the excellent food for grooms and workers . The shopping boulevard was fantastic and the live music during the evenings was super !

How was Clooney in Rotterdam (apart from being amazing ;-))

Clooney was living the dream in Rotterdam😀😀we (the Swiss jumpers ) had a great stable spot right beside the longing circle , so basically anytime the circle was not being used we could use it as a turnout paddock and the horses could have a nice roll ,enjoy the sun and fresh air.

Does Clooney have any particular needs?

Clooney needs freedom to be a horse and enjoy life. Also a lot of attention when he is in his box . Sugar helps !😉

Does Martin have a ritual?

Martin likes always the horses are walking good before he sits on so the muscles are warm and ready to work . The same goes for after jumping , Martin will always trot and walk off the horses properly making my life that little big easier Otherwise he’s quite relaxed and easy.

What was your nicest moment Of Rotterdam?

Walking back to the stables after the prize giving when my heartbeat had finally come back to a safe level . It was a nice walk back chatting with the new European champion (Clooney)😉