The main class that was scheduled in Valencia today was a Longines Ranking class that was jumped over an height of 1m45. The French riders dominated: they did not only take first but also second place. The victory was for Thibault Lecrevaz. He counted on Calinka de Boyer (f. L'Arc de Triomphe) to clear the course in 26,13 seconds.
With this he stayed ahead of another French rider, Valentin Marcotte. Marcotte jumped a clear round in the saddle of the Zangersheide Stallion Chippo Z (f. Chippendale Z) and finished in 26,68 seconds. Kristaps Neretnieks completed the podium after a clear round in 27,13 seconds.
Edouard Mathe (Castor de La Roque) and Adam Grzegorzweski (Issem) completed the top five.