"In Doha the week before the Global he felt so good that I decided to spare him for the Grand Prix," the Belgian told us afterwards. "Because of his good form of the week before, I thought he didn't need a 'warming up' for the Grand Prix. Of course I kept on working on him dressage-wise but he didn't jump a course in the week before the Grand Prix. Of course it was a risk somewhere but I know my horse. I knew he was in top form and that he would do well in the Grand Prix. And I was right," Bruynseels laughed.

"As far as I'm concerned, Delux is one of the best horses in the world. Afterwards I could only think 'he did it again for me'. I'm lucky that my horses want to fight for me and that makes my job as a rider a lot easier," he concluded.

Source: Press Release GCT