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British rider get fined after hug: "I didn't think of the measures after my victory..."

A British rider who was riding a race in Australia, got a fine because of hugging someone after his victory. But given the current Corona-measures, that's not allowed... 

He has to pay a fine of 1100 euro. After he won, he hugged his groom, who got a fine as well. "After my victoryI didn't think of the Corona measures anymore", the rider says. "I did realize I did something stupid but only after hugging my groom so then it was too late". 

Horseraces are still happening in Australia but everything happens behind closed doors.

Bron: H&H

He has to pay a fine of 1100 euro. After he won, he hugged his groom, who got a fine as well. "After my victoryI didn't think of the Corona measures anymore", the rider says. "I did realize I did something stupid but only after hugging my groom so then it was too late". 

Horseraces are still happening in Australia but everything happens behind closed doors.

Bron: H&H

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