There is always one representative per discipline to represent the interests of the riders in that discipline at the FEI. Veniss was active since 2020 but decided to end his mandate early.

In his motivation, Pessoa focuses mainly on his experience and his previous role as a representative of riders. After all, Pessoa was already chairman of the IJRC (International Jumping Rider Club) in the past, where he is currently a member of the governing body. In addition to his sportive career, he also has experience as a national coach. From 2016 to 2018 he coached the Irish show jumping team.

Furthermore, the Brazilian focuses on the fact that ethical values ​​should be strongly emphasized in our sport.

Tuganov is currently the Vice-President of the Russian Federation. He focuses in his motivation on his network and experience of the business and governing body of the Russian Federation. I want to allow show jumping to evolve further. "I feel ready," he concludes with motivation.

Voting is now open through October 31, 2022.

Voting process: Click here