Time is flying, already six months have already passed in 2015. For six months we shared our stories, news and horse experiences with you, our reader. Luckily we took some steps and didn't "waste" any time, in moving forward. "You Ride it, we Write it" Our new motto for this year... the wordsthe words we live by and act for in over 10 countries! However, our goal remains the same... bring together the (international) horse world, not easy, but an objective we want to reach step by step. Today Equnews is active in Belgium, Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Germany, Norway, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and China... Our team ensures a daily report, some nice interviews, stories and the necessary picture material to give a "real-time" experience to our readers. But Feet on the ground... we realize it is you, the reader, who develop/make us. You make the horse sport, you experience the adventure and we are happy to write about you, the (semi) professional horse-lover. The main reason why we love to GIVE AWAY. A pleasure that resulted in FREE Giveaways of Tickets, sponsorships, tack, VIP Tables, etc all together worth about €254,685 in the last 4 years. Don't worry, we will never stop give away by the way! :)

Let's talk statistics [caption id="attachment_74942" align="alignleft" width="280"]our office - work hard / play hard? our office - work hard / play hard?[/caption] How is the 'success' of a website measured? through its statistics.... In January we started our cooperation with marketing and advertisment office Equ.Media. It proved to be a necessary step to take. Since then we have been online 99,99% of the time. True, it is not 100%, but knowing that most blogs and news websites are online maximum 99,1%, we are happy for now. Today we welcome about 98% of the world's countries... only a few countries didn't find their way to Equnews yet. This resulted in 798,452 unique visitors in the last month, or 3,795,265 pageviews. Admittedly we are bragging a bit here, but more surprisingly it is our social media that is growing fast! Social Media is the key More and more people downloaded and installed our FREE iOS/Android Smartphone/Tablet app... meanwhile people started to follow and like us on Snapchat and Instagram. Our Facebook page was already online since the start-up, as well as our Twitter account. Social Media are the key for a fast and transparent way to the latest equestrian news. We still have to work hard & try to re-invent ourselves day after day, but we are happy that since our beginning, we can still count on your trust!
[caption id="attachment_74943" align="alignleft" width="960"]Behind the screens at World Cup finals Las Vegas ... with big Man Larry Behind the screens at World Cup finals Las Vegas ... with big Man Larry[/caption]