Chatting with your friends you often hear..."I will never find my prince charming, if I only could marry my horse." You might not realise it but most riders, passionate horse-lovers have a relationship with their loved pet. Want to know if you are one of them? Here is a short checklist. 1. On its birthday you celebrate... You have a nice gift ready for your horse, make it a special day and just pet him 24h. 2. Your horse is your Valentine's day number 1. 3. You can't stop talking about your horse. Everybody knows who he/she is. Your colleagues, friends and family never saw your horse but they know all about him/her. 4. It seems like your horse is your 'soulmate'. You and I that is the perfect match. It seems like he/she is the only one that does understand you. 5. Your horse has his/her own Facebook page. It even states you are both in a relationship. 6. Your horse is present on all your social media profiles. On Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. you both are in the picture. Most often with the hastag: #ilovemyhorsesomutch. 7. Your horses wardrobe is extensive, very extensive. While you keep wearing that same jeans over and over again... just because it fits. 8. If you are ready for dating humans... your first date is at the barn. If you take out a boy or girl, your horses approval is more important as anything else. 9. You keep saying; "Why do I need to worry about man (women)? I have ... fill in the name of your horse ..." 10. You think about him/her every moment of the day. Yes you cannot spend 24h a day with each other, but why?