The FEI has added a new tool to the FEI HorseApp to better follow up on the 'Return To Competition' Measures. The measures should allow a resumption of international sport in continental Europe in a safe way.
The FEI says: "One of the most important measures is that a negative test will be requested from all horses that are on the competition grounds. Horses that cannot present this will not be able to participate in the competitions. This test will be requested if there are more than 400 horses on the grounds. The temperature of the horses will have to be measured twice a day and the horses will be examined upon arrival. Stringent biosecurity measures and risk mitigation plans are also part of the Return To Competition measures."
"The FEI Horse App is a crucial tool on the traceability of horses participating in FEI events to facilitate and to collect data for better risk assessment analysis. The app will play an important role in enabling Return to Competition in a safe manner. The FEI HorseApp will be used to upload negative PCR results for events where requested. In addition, the FEI veterinarian performing the examination on arrival will scan the horse's microchip with a reader connected to the FEI HorseApp via Bluetooth, and also record the horse's temperature in the FEI HorseApp. The App will also have to be used to 'check out' of the Show Office after the competition. This ensures that the horses can be traced more easily if there would be a new outbreak ".
The measures will remain in place at least until May 30.
Source: FEI