After an amazing Freestyle round Charlotte Dujardin, one of the last to go, had set the bar in Las Vegas. The reigning world cup holder and number one impressed with a total of 94.196%. Together with her 13-year-old Valegro (by Negro) she rode a spectacular show, were the music was just made for the passes. Edward Gal and his amazing black Glock's Undercover N.O.P (by Ferro) came close. Still the pair had to be satisfied with 84.696%. Germany's Jessica von Bredow-Werndl (Unee BB) was shocked after riding to the third place. The young lady was so happy she left a little tear backstage, waiting for the press conference. Charlotte's victory was good for 56,000 Euro. The top five was completed by USA's Laura Graves (Verdades) and Netherland's Hans Peter Minderhoud (Glock's Flirt). C-judge Liselotte Fore was impressed by the level of all the riders. "It keeps impressing me to see so many good rides, riders and horses. This is what I live for and I don't think I will ever get tired of it."