Dr and Mrs Bechtolsheimer’s thoroughbred dressage horse, Andretti H, has been retired aged 19. Ridden by their daughter Laura Tomlinson until 2013, the combination enjoyed a long and successful career together, producing many top wins including the title of National Dressage Champions in 2010 and 2011. The winners of several Grand Prix and Grand Prix Freestyles throughout their competitive career, Laura and ‘Andy’ posted many 75+% scores including a personal best in 2011 of 78.73% in the Hagen CDI Grand Prix Freestyle. In 2013, Laura kindly handed over the reins to stable jockey Lara Griffith and the pair forged a strong partnership, continuing to produce consistent scores which saw them selected as reserves for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2014. Programme Manager for Dressage, Richard Waygood, commented on the retirement of Andy; “He was a great second string for Laura and it was immensely generous of her to give the ride to Lara. We are so grateful that Andy was campaigned throughout the season leading up to WEG to give Britain such a strong reserve horse”. Andy will now enjoy his retirement in the Cotswolds with his owners, Dr and Mrs Bechtolsheimer.