At the international CDI4* event in Frankfurt Germany dominated the International Grand Prix today. With a total of 75.380% Anabel Balkenhol and the 15-year-old Dablino FRH (by De Niro) claimed the 2,700.00 Euro win. Her fellow country riders Beatrice Buchwald (Weihegold OLD) and Hubertus Schmidt (Imperio 3) followed in a second and third place with 73.3 and 72.98 percent. Isabell Werth and Graf von SCmettow's El Santo NRW (by Ehrentusch) collected a total of 72.88%, good for a fourth place. Former European Champion, Patrik Kittel ensured an international top five. Aboard Toy Story 2 (by Come Back II) he finished fifth with 72.18%. CLICK HERE FOR THE RESULTS