This weekend the CHIO Aachen is home to many different riders. Today the day started with the U25 dressage. And it wasn't just a normal competition. Aachen was home to the first Nations Cup dressage for the U25 riders. It was the team from the Netherlands who took home te victory in this first Nations Cup. The three Dutch ladies showed some great shape and leading lady Anne Meulendijks who won the Dutch Championchips last week, showed up for another win today. In the saddle of her MDH Avanti (by United) she impressed the judges and finished with a total of 73.316%, taking home the individual win as well. Following in an individual second place and an overall great team score was Maxime van der Vlist with her Negro son Bailey. The combination made it to a total of 72.289%. Denise Nekeman and her Boston Sth (v. Johnson) ended up with a total of 68.395% securing the Dutch victory with a total of 145.605 points.   In second place it was the team from Germany with a total of 140.868 points. It was Bianca Nowag who ensured the highest result with her Fair Play RB (by Fider Mark) with 71.079%. The third place went to Sweden with a result of 71.158% for Josefin Gyllenswärd and her Don Angelo (by Danone) with a team result of 140.474 points. The top five was completed by the team from Austria with 135.710 points in fourth place and a fifth place for Denmark with a total of 129.316 points. Find all results here