Everyone at Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals, a leading producer of natural equine health and performance supplements, was on the edge of their seats during the dressage competition at the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto, Canada. So was the rest of the equestrian community, as riders battled for top scores— with Canada and the United States quickly rising to the top. Omega Alpha cheered on its native Canada, as three of the four riders on Canada’s dressage team are Omega Alpha Ambassadors. “I won't go to a show without Omega Alpha supplements, because my horses need to feel great and perform at their best,” says Canadian dressage Big Tour rider Belinda Trussell. “I use stomach remedies Biotic 8, Gastra FX, and RegenerEQ, and have seen horse after horse improve with these products.” After impressive scores from Trussell, her Big Tour teammate and fellow Omega Alpha Ambassador Megan Lane, and Canadian Small Tour riders Chris von Martels and Omega Alpha Ambassador Brittany Fraser, Canada earned the Team Silver medal. The team’s score of 454.938 easily outdistanced Team Bronze medalist Brazil (414.895), and gave the United States (460.506) a strong fight for the Gold. Omega Alpha was thrilled to see Canada represented by such talented riders, and congratulates the team on their Silver medal. The company is dedicated to helping horses become athletes ready to excel in prestigious international competition. Omega Alpha’s scientifically developed, all-natural supplements include respiratory, digestive, joint, hormonal, immune health, muscle rehabilitation, and performance products, amongst others. “My favorite Omega Alpha products are RegenerEQ and Gastra Fx,” says Brittany Fraser, who competed in the Pan American Games on her Dutch Warmblood All In. “I always keep RegenerEQ handy because I want to make sure my horses always have a healthy appetite. My horses compete a lot, and traveling can get stressful for them. Gastra FX is very important to use because it helps my horses maintain a healthy gut and allows them to feel their best at all times.” Trussell is also a big fan of RegenerEQ. “Just recently, I had a horse in training that started to play with his tongue. After a week on RegenerEQ, he completely stopped. I am sure he was suffering from stomach ulcers, and RegenerEQ helped. It was amazing to see.” RegenerEQ supports gastro intestinal health, and normalizes stomach functions while promoting an increased appetite. As Trussell and Fraser have found, RegenerEQ is an ideal supplement to compensate for the stress of travel, competition, and new environments. “I don't think it's a coincidence that most of the Canadian Dressage team has Omega Alpha on hand,” says Megan Lane. When you're competing at the top, you're always looking for ways to make horses as happy and healthy as possible. Omega Alpha has benefited my daily program by giving my horses the best products— and as a result, they perform to the best of their abilities. For that, I rest assured, and so do my horses!”