The American Grand Prix rider Heather Blitz has announced the withdrawel of her Paragon from the competition sport. The 13 year old Danish Warmblood by Don Schufro had not been competed for almost two years now. The horse was bred on the Oak Hill Ranch in Louisiana and owned by Blitz herself. Training the horse herself from his first moments under the saddle. Soon they started at the small tour level. Then in 2011 they qualified for the Pan American games in Mexico that year. They not only won a golden teammedal, but also took home a silver individual medal. One year later the two started in the Grand Prix level and became the resever for the American Team for the Olympics in London. Altough they didn't compete their, they did win the mock competition that were held before the games. Then in 2013 they only competed at the showgrounds of Wellington. In 2015 they were eliminated from the special of the Palm Beach Derby. Soon after Blitz decided not to compete the horse anymore  in the competition sport and would only use him for trainingsessions with her students.