In the game for the dressage throne, nothing is what it seems and that once again became clear during the second finale of the World Cup dressage. Yesterday evening, there was a draw, deciding the starting order of the kür of today. The German top favorite Isabell Werth, was the penultimate rider to enter the show ring. Her biggest competition, the American Laura Graves, had to enter two horses before the German champion. Graces and her Verdades (f. Florett As) rode a difficult as an almost perfect freestyle. For her artistic performance, each judge scored her over 93,000%, for her technicality, she never scored less than 82.250%. This resulted in a beautiful overall score of 89.082%. When Werth entered the show ring, Graves stood on the lead. Buth Isabell Werth wouldn't be Isabell Werth if she didn't do anything to keep her titel. She and Weihegold (f. Don Schurfo) rode an amazing freestyle. Werth made a little mistake in her fly changes yesterday, but today you had to look very hard to see any mistakes. Yesterday she said: "I hope that Weihe shows tomorrow why I took her to Paris", and we think Weihe did her very best. The freestyle of Werth was scored with an overall of 09.657%, which was enough to take the victory. Because of the great performance of Werth, Graves had to take peace with the second place. The third place went to a German lady rider also. Jessica von Bredow-Werndl, who only recently became a mother, rode a beautiful freestyle as well with her KWPN stallion Unee BB (f. Gribaldi). Their freestyle got scored 83.725% by the jury. The fourth place went to Patrik Kittel (Deja). Dorothee Schneider (Sammy Davis Jr.) completed the top five.