For the 9th time Odense Congress Center in Denmark opened their facilities to Odense Horse Show sponsored by ECCO and the first World Cup-qualification in the Western European league. The Reem Acra FEI World Cup has had a strong international group of participants – 20 equipages rode in the Grand Prix Saturday and 15 of them qualified for the freestyle. The riders are trying to gain enough points to qualify them for the World Cup Final in Göteborg, March 2016. The suspension rose through the competition as Edward Gal entered the Kingsland Main Arena as the last rider to go – the two Danish riders Anna Kasprzak/Donnperignon and Agnete Kirk Thinggard were in the lead. The tension an expectations among the spectators created an electric atmosphere and Glock’s Voice reacted to that: “He got a bit nervous in there, and maybe he thought he was at a stallion-show – he wanted to do too much!, sad Edward Gal afterwards. “Therefore my ride did not get as fluently as I wanted it to be. This is also our first indoor show, Edward said. Voice is a little bit crazy, but sometimes the crazy horses are the best!” “I do not have plans for this World Cup season – I try not to make too many plans too early”, Gal said. “The competition here in Odense has been tight and that made it very exciting for us riders. Because of my 1. Prize again this year I am certainly coming back next year!” Anna Kasprzak: not my day today. “It was not quite our day to day. I did not get the same feeling in the warm up as I did yesterday, and that gave us some mistakes in the program. I have changed some of the lines in my freestyle, and I am probably going to change some more, but all in all I am very pleased with my second place.” Agnete Kirk Thinggaard was very pleased with her ride to day in the freestyle. “I said to my husband this morning that it could be great to have a standing prize ceremony (and not to canter one round in the prizegiving)!” Agnete likes to plan and there for she knows what to do in this World Cup season. “I am planning to bring Jojo AZ to the World Cup’s in Stockholm and in London”, she said. “Remember to bring him to Amsterdam as well”, Edward Gal interjected. Judge at C, Hans Christian Matthiesen, said that the last two days had been very exciting for him as a judge: “Nothing was given on forehand, the competition was quite open”, he told. He also complimented the riders for some very good performances and was very pleased with the atmosphere in the Kingsland Main Arena. Result Reem Acra FEI World Cup in Odense Grand Prix Freestyle 1. Edward Gal (NED) – Glock’s Voice, 78.800% 2. Anna Kasprzak (DEN) – Donnperignon, 77.100% 3. Agnete Kirk Thinggaard (DEN) – Jojo AZ, 76.250% 4. Emilie Nyreröd (SWE) – Miata, 74.800% 5. Judy Reynolds (IRL) – Vancouver K, 74.425%