With a spectacular victory in the Chantilly LGCT Grand Prix, Harrie Smolders forces his leading position of the Longines Global Champions Tour ranking. With a total of 247 points he now takes a safe advantage on the current second, Alberto Zorzi. Dutch Maikel van der Vleuten follows in a third position with 185 points or a five point difference with Zorzi. Christian Ahlmann (180 points) en Scott Brash (166 points). Jack Towell is best USA rider in the ranking with 161 points placing 6th. The current top ten is followed by Lorenzo de Luca (160 points) and three Belgian show jumping riders. Niels Bruynseels (146 points), Jos Verlooy (137 points) en Gregory Wathelet (133 points) place 8th, 9th and 10th. Click here for the ranking