Jan Tops, President Longines Global Champions Tour: "You would not think it could get any better than today with the crowd and the sport, everything is amazing. Ben wins the first leg of the League, wins the team competition and wins the individual qualifier and today wins the Grand Prix.   At the moment he is the favourite with Scott to win the overall. The formula is fantastic for the riders and also the sport. We have been working in our team on the graphics, the riders compete one after the other and everything is more transparent to follow."   This place has great tradition, a special Spanish Latin atmosphere and it was fantastic the public stayed right to the end. Oxer are very professional working with our team. We have great footing here, course design, everything count. It is only the fourth event but we will know the overall winner after Doha. Ben qualifies for the Longines Global Champions Super Grand Prix in Prague on the Saturday night which will be amazing for the sport with every jump and every leg and competing for big prize money."   Alvaro Arrieta Konyay, President Oxer Sport; "We have 108 editions of horse shows here and it is a fantastic mix between historic shows and the modernity and excitement of GCT. Congratulations to the riders today.   We are very proud and very happy for today, the crowd was full and it is great to host such shows with such sport. Thanks to Jan for believing in our team at Oxer and thanks to the City and to our sponsors."   Scott Brash, Overall LGCT Ranking Leader: "There are so many more events to go but I am delighted with today. Ursula is amazing, she did three clear rounds and it was just the rider that was not fast enough!   "I think Madrid was an unbelievable show. It is a breath of fresh air. From the horses’ point of view this show is definitely one of the best on the Tour and it shows with the competition today."   Nicola Philippaerts, 2nd Place: "I tried to do my best. I was a little slow to the last line. My horse jumped very good today he really feels good for the rest of the season."    Eduardo Alvarez Aznar, 3rd Place: "At that moment I did not realise we were equal, I saw I was ranked 1. I am still very happy. This atmosphere in my country, in my home. This was my club for many years. I was riding here. I am very proud of my horse. It was the first outdoor show for Rockefeller and I am more than happy."   Ben Maher, LGCT GP Winner: "It was really about riding the course how it needed to be ridden and it was great sport. He (Explosion) has always been a good horse, but this year he has really come forward. He has a great character and really enjoys his job and the way he does it it doesn’t take a lot out of him. He is bucking, playing in the warm up arena and really enjoying his job. He will take a bit of a rest now. We are very fortunate, the Poden Farms team, we have a lot of horses. He (Explosion) is quirky, he has character but he is a very friendly horse and gives 110%. He is a naturally fast horse so I just use his natural speed. I planned to do 7 strides and it was right there and everything was just coming up wow."