Jan Tops, Longines Global Champions Tour Founder and President: “[It was an] amazing start. You don’t think when you walk the course that there would be so many clears but I think the whole circumstances helped - the footing, the horses feel good in this weather - I think all the circumstances are great. We have a unique sport that’s totally different than our classical arenas which is what makes it so unique for this show. This is what the Tour is about. We are very diverse. This week we have a small arena but you also see big horses like the one McLain or Christian have perform well in these arenas. Next week we have a big grass arena. We are jumping during the day and during the night - we have all these different elements and that is why I think the Tour is so special. "Tomorrow is another exciting day as it’s the kick off of the new Global Champions League. I’m very excited about that. It’s a new project for our sport and I have a lot of faith in what is happening with the future. The years to come are going to be very exciting.” Edwina Tops-Alexander (AUS), gold medallist: "I’m obviously really happy. It’s been a while since I’ve won a Global Tour Grand Prix. [Lintea Tequila] just felt amazing. The first round I had a great feeling, everything went really smooth. She was very fresh on the first day and feeling really good - I was a little worried she was maybe a little too fresh but I think it paid off leaving her off yesterday. The second round was a lot bigger and suited a different type of horse. I was in a good position being last to go and I had the chance to watch everyone - that’s always an advantage - and I just went as fast as I could. I was a little lucky on the Miami fence as she fell a lot to the left but it actually helped me in the end. Uliano did again an amazing job so congratulations. It’s not easy to build when you have so many good horses and good riders - to have six coming back for the jump-off was a great effort. I think the ground is absolutely amazing and I think all the horses have been jumping great. They travel over it very easily and their stride gets bigger. The facilities are amazing and Jan’s done an incredible job." McLain Ward (USA), silver medallist: “I’d like to first say thank you to Jan and GCT - it’s great to have these events in North America; to bring up our sport to the level of Europe and for the top riders in our country it’s very exciting, so thank you. Azur is… Well everyone can see what Azur is! She’s different, I try to stay out of her way - I pulled the reins a few too many times in the jump-off. I’m proud of my horse, and my team, and on to the next.” Christian Ahlmann (GER), bronze medallist: “First of all I was really happy with my horse he jumped three amazing rounds but my performance in the jump-off, I was not really happy. I did not have the best position - I tried, but I knew the guys behind me and that it was for sure not enough. In the end I was happy to be still on the podium but in any case my thanks to Jan for this amazing show - I go home very happy.”