After celebrating its 20th anniversary last year, the Grande Semaine of Pompadour is continuing its work enhancing the best young eventing horses and Anglo-Arab breed. This event is attended by over 450 horses from 4 to 7 years which qualified all along the season throughout the country and nearly 150 Anglo-Arab colt to the mare, one of the finest representatives of the breed, especially well made for eventing. Both sports competition and selection tool, the Grande Semaine of Pompadour offers professionals and breeders, riders, owners - the opportunity to show the extent and quality of their craftsmanship. During these 7 days, the general public is not forgotten. In addition to the always spectacular cross country test scheduled from Wednesday, September 17 on the beautiful racecourse of Pompadour, the public will attend a completely free show Saturday night inside the gorgeous and historical national stud of Pompadour.