This tenth anniversary of the International Evening in Arville starts at least under a great summer sun, with on its program a 1-star class (CCI*), a 2-star class (CIC**) and a 3-star class (CIC***). Today, Thursday, the 2nd of July, the first part took place of the dressage. And it really is a promising anniversary. The environment is splendid, just like the names on the starting lists: our Belgian riders Karin Donckers, Virginie Caulier and Joris Vanspringel to mention some of them, but also for Germany Dirk Shrade and Kai-Steffen Meier, for France Sébastien Cavaillon, for Switserland Felix Vogge, … They know why they come back here, year after year! The organisation is always great, as well as the mood, there is always an attractive commercial village, a great green environment, all things that make of Arville an absolute must. 3 On our website, you can follow the results of our competitors live, but you can also come and visit us on Saturday, to discover by yourself the track of the cross-country throughout the beautiful park around the castle of Arville. Today will take place the second part of the dressage. 6