eerste-90-000-tomorrowland-tickets-snel-de-deur-uit-id4006536-1000x800-nThe new international adventure of the organizing committee of Tomorrowland, a Belgian festival, brings them to a small town nearby Atlanta. In search for an ideal location the organizers found the perfect place in Olympic eventing rider Carl Bouckaert's domain. "We did find a fantastic beautiful domain, in the middle of nature surrounded by lakes, hills, bushes, etc. As our intention is just like with the Belgium site, we would like to create an amphi-theater, Cattahoochee was the ideal location. Even more he travel distance to the largest airport in the world is only 15 minutes." explained the organizers. Carl Bouckaert, a 58-year-old Belgian eventingrider, didn't doubt. "When I heard that Tomorrowland wanted to go international I immediately contacted them. Tomorrowland is a part of Belgium's heritage. This fantastic event's international tour for sure will put Belgium on the map. It is creative, has the perfect music... for me it are the Olympic Games of the Musicworld." concludes the Olympic rider who lives in Atlanta. © - photo: hbvl