The FEI President Ingmar de Vos and Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez emphasized the importance of this gathering as a platform for evaluating the global status of equestrian sport and setting a course for the future. This assembly is open to national federations, stakeholders, and special guests, by invitation only, with each national federation holding one vote.

Key areas of proposed changes to the FEI General Regulations include:

  • Key Event Requirements
  • a Code for the Prevention of Competition Manipulation
  • a Safeguarding Policy against Harassment and Abuse
  • Integrity and ethics considerations
  • Social media policies for athletes and FEI officials

Notably, there is debate surrounding changes to the Safeguarding Policy, with concerns about its scope and potential for limiting the FEI's responsibility. Social media policies have also raised questions about freedom of speech.

The expansion of tools for handling integrity and ethics matters is another point of contention, with concerns about potential violations of human rights and privacy. Despite opposition from several national federations, the FEI has maintained its initial proposal.

The Belgian federation stood up and stated that it's a violation of the human rights. They were backed up by amongst others, Germany, The Netherlands and Switzerland in this statement. 

Proposed changes to the FEI Jumping Rules encompass topics such as scores under Table A, eliminations, prize money requirements, and qualification procedures for championships.

Regarding the Veterinary Regulations, changes focus on biosecurity and stable conditions at FEI events, including air quality and space for horses, with sanctions, which can lead to disqualification, for violations such as falsifying a horse's temperature record. 

Proposed amendments to the Internal Regulations of the FEI include a suggestion for a mandatory youth representative on each FEI Discipline Committee. However, the FEI rejected this idea, opting for a different approach to address youth-related topics through existing regulations.

In response to feedback, the final wording of the rule includes provisions for a diverse group of members on each Discipline Committee, including an athlete representative but not as Chair or Deputy Chair during their term.

More information on the FEI Hybrid General Assembly 2023 can be found here