Equ.Media, an equestrian marketing & branding firm, gives us some insight in 'how to fix that one sponsorship' you always wanted. CEO, Bram Van Hulle, lays down a guideline to get your sponsorship fixed. "To start with I have to state that getting a sponsorship is like applying for a job or spot on the team," states Bram. That is why you better take this guideline like a potential manual for life. Ok let's get started... First things first ... It is nice to get a sponsorship, but it is as much valuable to ask yourself IF you even want to be sponsored. Being sponsored also means becoming a face of a certain company, brand, etc. You actually sell yourself, your privacy, your freedom, in return for the sponsorship. Like most sports, sponsorships are usually intended for professional athletes. Depending the country you live in there are even rules to be followed. For example in the USA the rules and regulations of sponsorships can ultimately land an amateur rider in default of the association’s policies for amateur status. While in Belgium or the Netherlands (to give some examples) both professionals and amateurs can be sponsored without any consequences for their competitive classes. As soon as you have decided IF you want to get sponsored, you might ask yourself the WHY-question. Be truthful with yourself and ask yourself why you want to be sponsored. Is it for the money or the free products? Do you want it to boost your ego? Or is it rather just because your friends get sponsored as well? ... Let me tell you a secret, if you answered yes on any of these questions a sponsorship is not for you. We already mentioned that becoming sponsored also involves sacrifices. So if you love the sport, you want to move to the next level, you want to work out that one new project, etc. is the reason you want to get sponsored then put your soul into it and go for it! The decision is made, YES to sponsorship for the right reason, what is next? Once you decided you want that sponsorship and cleared out the reason why, you have to realise that a sponsor offers something to get 'you' in return. That is why you need to create a hype about yourself. The concept of creating a buzz is very complicated and comes with a lot of work in and outside of the ring, headaches, research, and time. That is why Equ.Media is often asked to do it for you instead. Don't get me wrong! Creating a hype doesn't mean you should 'fake' who you are... you should be yourself and don't change that in any circumstances. Creating the 'hype' will ask all efforts that you can give, all passion you have to offer and all free time you might have left. But it is the only way to make sure people start to associate you with the sport and start thinking of you when the question (who would be useful to become our representative?) pops-up. You are passionate, you are who you are ... now you start to mass contact different companies ... BIG MISTAKE! I am sorry to bring it to you but you have to work a little bit more. Start doing your research. Ask yourself what type of sponsorship do I need/want? Who can I be associated with and then make a profile research of the potential sponsor companies. To do so you can look at the current sponsored riders of the company, you can gather information of the people associated with the company, their target market and goals. Each company has different policies for their sponsorship and publicity programs, it is KEY to find out what those are. You need to know how they operate in terms of sponsorships, and you need to understand the types of people they choose. Once you research these components, you need to ask yourself how you fit into the picture. Would you compliment their current riders?  Are you as qualified as the other riders? Winning the game (sponsorship) is just a matter of understanding the operation, leverage, research and some predictions. I did my research... time to contact that sponsor, but how? You did your research, time to contact the potential sponsors... but how to start with it? Just look at it like applying for a job. You have to present yourself in a professional way. Make a structured resume, add a motivational letter, give them a reason why they should pick you! But ... keep it simpel, no goofy fonts, no pink colours or little hearts. While writing your resume and motivation think like the company! Companies sponsor people because their riding careers can advance their brand. Don't put any unnecessary information in the 'application', give them the reasons WHY it is a WIN for them to sponsor you! Reveal your results, your influence in the realm and your connections! Companies are in the business to do business…an eye for an eye. I went sponsor shopping but no succes ... what to do? Never give up! When you are on your horse and you have a bad day, you are definitely not going to give up, why would you do so when you didn't get that one sponsorship?