The 15-year-old KWPN stallion from the breeding of A.P. De Wit previously competed with Rolf-Göran Bengtsson. The duo won the Grand Prix of Westergellersen and 2 Grand Prix in Opglabbeek.

The pair also jumped to a podium finish in the 1.55m CSI5 LGCT of Stockholm in 2022. After a period with Matias Larocca, Swiss rider Bryan Balsiger took over the reins. Together with Bryan Balsiger, the stallion won the CSI2 Grand Prix in Vichy, France, earlier this year. And also qualified for the CSIO3 in Samorin.

"I am really happy to be able to welcome this top horse to my stable," Alsharbatly tells Equnews. "I expect a lot from this horse for the future!"