"I have reached the top of our sport and have always followed it with passion, yet I have major concerns about its future," says the former rider. "The biggest problem we currently face? Hard work and perseverance don't always take priority over money. We need a system with financial regulations—maybe even a limit or a price ratio on horses, depending on the level..."

"The reality is that the majority in our sport are struggling, and almost no one is doing anything to change that. Show jumping does not have huge profit margins! Everyone is fixated on prize money but forgets the enormous maintenance costs of running a stable!" the Israeli rider continues.

"Because net profits are almost entirely consumed by expenses, our sport is feeling more and more like a playground for the wealthy who sponsor certain performances, but less and less like a real sport!"

"Show jumping is beautiful, and it's about connection and perseverance!" she concludes. "But the question remains—is show jumping truly a sport, or just an expensive hobby?!"