It’s no secret that the Corona-crisis will have it’s impact on the global economy. This is no different in equestrian world. A few years a ago a new “statute’ “ saw the light: the freelance from. This profession is under heavy pressure right now, due to the COVID 19-Virus.
Current situation: all important shows are cancelled until the end of April, probably longer resulting in a lack of demand of freelance grooms.
Before the crisis it was a difficult task to find the right groom; there was an oversupply freelance grooms, but right now it seems like those freelance grooms are in trouble.
Permanent grooms are currently certain of their income. Despite the measures different governments took, the sport and stables are still running. Because of that permanent grooms cannot invoke the system of unemployment due to force majeure. Therefore permanent employees keep on working or are forced to take days off.
For the first time in years, the freelance groom gets confronted with the biggest disadvantage of it’s statue. The freelance groom will no get any unemployment benefits, unless he or she has an insurance on that matter. Unfortunately for them ‘the supply and demand of work’ is just how the economy works and countries like Belgium and the Netherlands don’t cover this.
How to adapt to the situation?
Try to work for non-professional stables and be very open to any form of employment. Try to offer your services to owners who are not able to take care of their horses, lunge their horses, …
You can also work for riding schools where clients aren’t allowed anymore. You can not only take care of the horses, you can also help maintaining the accommodation and preparing it for the spring.
Other possibility: you can give tips to other grooms, riders, non-professional riders,… using your social media…