The online ET-Auction could count on many interest. The Embryo auction completed tonight at 8 pm Brussels time, unfortunate the website was offline for a while. Eventually the auction concluded with a record amount for the auction favorit. For a total of 26,000 euro the embryo of Pieter Devos' Candy, Malito de Rêve x Nabab de Rêve x Etretat changed from owner. On top of the 26,000 euro there's an extra 7.5% auction costs and 21% TVA. The embryo Baloubet du Rouet x Diamant de Semilly x Polydor - in short Baloubet du Rouet x halfsister of Taloubet Z - was auctioned for a total of 19,000 euro. With the price of 15,000 euro the halfbrother or -sister of Perigneux (Diamant de Semilly x Stakkato x Akzent II) was acquired by its new owner. A total of 180,000 euro (exclusive costs) was payed for the 14 embryo's. This is an average of 12,857 euro for each embryo.